1951 1st Street West
Dickinson, North Dakota 58601

Monday through Friday 8am-5pm

Through the Community Development Block Grant Program, the city awarded ABLE, Inc. funds to build two new universal adult changing stations at the mall.  Stark County stepped up and helped fill the financial gap when project costs soared due in part to Covid.  The City of Dickinson sponsored the project grant for us.  Revenues generated from the ABLE Thrift Store and the ABLE stores at this mall were also used to finish the space. 


Why did we need these spaces?

Many people with significant intellectual or physical disabilities cannot utilize a standard toilet, instead requiring equipment such as a hoist and height-adjustable changing table to use the bathroom in safety and comfort. An adult changing table provides a convenient and safe way for caretakers to assist individuals who may be unable to fully care for themselves.


Without this type of facility, people often are often forced to return home to take care of hygiene needs or lay their loved ones on a public restroom floor.  This is a dirty experience for the individual and their caregiver.  This provides no privacy and is dehumanizing, unsanitary and potentially unsafe.  Transitioning disabled adults in these situations is high risk for injury.  Adult changing tables and transfer assistive systems are important for safety and to ensure that all individuals can use their community freely.


To schedule a time slot to utilize our Universal Changing Place, click the link below. 

ABLE Universal Changing Place

Scheduling this facility provides access to an accessible bath tub, Hoyer ceiling track lift system, shower, adult changing table in addition to the standard accessible restroom amenities.

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