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Vocational Services

Paid Work Opportunities

ABLE, Inc. has cleaning/work contracts with a variety of businesses in the community.  We support people with disabilities to successfully complete the jobs, focusing on enhancing their skills, working as a team and interacting with others in the community.

We also have our own store locations that provide more individualized work opportunities. As the rules of employment for people with disabilities have changed in recent years, ABLE has had to adjust and offer more work locations. To create additional work opportunities, ABLE purchased the T-Rex Mall. Now there are additional jobs for people such as cleaning the corridor, maintaining the laundromat, as well as working the cash registers at our new stores. To better understand our rationale and explore what we have done with this T-Rex Mall  CLICK HERE

ABLE, Inc. is proud to creatively address the needs of people we support while making our community a more beautiful place to live.