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A New Home For Awhile

Abra has been an exceptional employee with the ABLE, Inc. Work Crew, and she values hard work. When struggling to complete her work duties due to chronic knee pain, Abra, after months of physical therapy, went the next step; knee surgery replacement on November 1, 2021.

Initially her rehabilitation was to happen at one of the nursing homes in Dickinson, but there was concern of Abra not being around her family and friends, at the nursing home, due to COVID.

A new invitation arrived for Abra to think about: come and live on 4th Avenue at one of our ICF/IID homes. She had mixed emotions with it being a new place and new staff. Abra was already feeling the emptiness of having to be away from her cat, Cuddles. But, in the end, Abra called the 4th Avenue home her home for nearly 2 months.

Abra had 24-hour care to assist in all her needs. She leaned on staff for the first few weeks as she struggled with pain and needed support to complete daily physical therapy. But once Abra felt better and became stronger, she became a part of the home: she enjoyed being around others for TV, sharing meals, cooking, playing board games, and sharing laughter. Oh, how Abra loves to laugh, tease, and have a good time. Those who live at there, along with the staff, were blessed.

4th was home for a few months for Abra. It was exactly what she needed!

It was exactly what the home needed too!

Thank you to the team at 4th for making this a successful rehabilitation journey. Abra is back at her apartment and back at work.

Abra is again living her life!